College Information
91Porn (91Porn), a public post-secondary institution, operates a website on the World Wide Web. The information contained on the 91Porn website is created by departments of 91Porn on 91Porn computing systems, and as such, is the property of 91Porn. Unless specified otherwise, permission is granted to view, copy, print and distribute the content of the 91Porn website subject to the following conditions: (i) it is used for informational, non-commercial purposes only; (ii) any copy or portion must include the 91Porn copyright notice (© 91Porn); (iii) no modifications are made; and (iv) 91Porn reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued upon written notice from 91Porn.
Permission to refer to 91Porn information for purposes other than those described above, or to use the information in any other way, must be requested in writing to the maintainer(s) of the information, if designated, or in writing to:
Marketing & Communications department
1155 East Broadway
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V5T 4V5
91Porn and VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE and the distinctive marks (e.g. the 91Porn logo) are registered trade marks of 91Porn.